Foodbank WA
Annual Report
“Your child eats first” – is there any parenting instinct more basic than this one?
Find out how we helped Megan and her daughter“Your child eats first”
– is there any parenting instinct more basic than this one?
It’s not something most give a thought to in their day-to-day, but for Megan and other single parents in our Mobile Foodbank queues, securing your child’s next meal is a constant source of stress.
When Mobile Foodbank first came to Willagee three years ago, Megan and her daughter, now 13, had been at rock bottom for quite some time. The story of how they got there is all too familiar. In her 20’s Megan considered herself a successful young adult. She worked as a salesperson for a large international phone safety company, had travelled overseas and was settling down with a partner and beautiful baby daughter.
Megan’s hopes for domestic bliss were soon displaced by the daily struggle of dealing with the violence of her partner. They moved homes many times, leaving a trail of broken rentals. Megan was left broken too – by the time she got out of the relationship Megan’s mental health was “just horrible”.
For Megan, that first visit to Mobile Foodbank nearly four years ago marked an important turning point. “When I was standing in line, it was a little bit nerve wracking. You feel a bit like ‘oh this is me, this is where I’m at right now.’ But then you get the food hamper and you look through it and you can’t help but smile,” said Megan.
“It was like Christmas. And it still IS like Christmas, every time I get a pack. I love getting it home and opening it up. It’s a nice feeling unwrapping all the goodies.”
Read more about Megan’s story
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kilos distributed

meals provided to Western Australians

kilos saved from landfill

kilos CO₂ emissions saved

participants in nutrition education

volunteer hours

charity partners

schools engaged

Chair Report
The people in need of our help are at the heart of everything we do. We continued to provide for, and advocate for, those facing food stress.
Read how we are sustainable in our operationsWe acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which we work and live. We acknowledge and respect their continuing culture and the contribution they make to the life of our State. We pay our respects to their elders past, present and emerging.
We have continued to implement our Shaping the Future 2020-2023 Strategic Plan focusing on our four key pillars.
People in Need
The people in need of our help are at the heart of everything we do. This year we expanded our Mobile Foodbank to 27 metropolitan locations and commenced the service regionally. We also commenced a feasibility study to expand our services into the Pilbara and Kimberley.
We continued to advocate on behalf of people facing food insecurity. We received over $2.6 million dollars of free media coverage through TV, radio and print news. We partnered with other charities to support the Business News weekly news segment, Hearts and Minds, to raise awareness of issues impacting the sector.
We continued to operate in a sustainable way to ensure we are here for future generations. We have established an endowment fund to help to ensure we can always deliver on our purpose of feed, educate and advocate. We have also extended our waste minimisation activity to achieve less than 3% going to landfill.
Our focus for the year was on improving our work health and safety for staff and volunteers. We implemented new policies including mandatory safety boots, training for safety champions and an online portal to improve our volunteer coordination and communication.
In September 2021, we welcomed Kate O’Hara as Foodbank WA’s third Chief Executive Officer. Kate joined at a vital time as we continued to scale to meet the increase in demand, while working towards an ambitious goal to end hunger in Western Australia by 2030 – in line with the UN Sustainability Development Goals.
At the Annual General Meeting (24 November 2022) I will be standing down as Chair of Foodbank WA. I will be succeeded by Derek La Ferla. I know that Foodbank WA will be in very safe and capable hands. My involvement with Foodbank WA has been an absolute pleasure and I have been very privileged to see the progress made by successive management teams during my time. When I look at where we are today, I am extremely proud to have been associated with Foodbank WA from the days when we operated out of a substandard Welshpool warehouse on a shoestring, providing much less balanced food to those in need. It has been a very rewarding journey. Thank you all.
Finally, for another strong year of achievement, thank you to the Foodbank WA Board and committees for your strategic guidance and support. A special thanks to Fran Ferreira, Chief Operating Officer for stepping up as Acting CEO until September 2021. On behalf of the Board, our heartfelt thanks and gratitude go to the leadership team, staff and volunteers for your passion, energy, resilience and commitment to our purpose.
Peter Mansell
Chairman, Foodbank Western Australia
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CEO Report
This year we provided almost 7.8 million meals to Western Australians, a million more than last year.
Read how we delivered on our purpose to feed, educate and advocateFoodbank WA provided almost 7.8 million meals to Western Australians, a million meals more than last year.
This created unique challenges as we met this sharp rise in demand. We are thankful for our corporate partners and community support received, which has resulted in a sustainable balance sheet. However, we need to invest this back into the organisation to ensure we can continue to meet the increasing demand now and in the future.
This year we continued to work to our purpose to feed, educate and advocate.
Our organisation was founded on providing food assistance to those in need; including vulnerable groups such as seniors, unemployed and the homeless. There has been a significant increase in the number of people presenting to us as the cost-of-living increases and the COVID pandemic continued to impact our State. Today we are seeing more people reach out for help, many for the first time in their lives.
Before the pandemic we would assist about 200 people a day through our branches and Mobile Foodbank locations. This year we often assisted over 700 people a day.
Our focus was on expanding our range and reach while maintaining sustainability.
A unique and significant part of our business is nutrition education. This is based on the fact that achieving generational change can occur through improved nutrition and food literacy for school children and people of low income. This year we delivered our range of nutrition education programs to school students, youth, adults, parents and people with disability across all regions of Western Australia.
We advocated on behalf of those in need to end hunger in Western Australia. With the cost-of-living being a major issue, we were often called by the media to speak on the impact we are seeing on the front line. It was an important role we played in ensuring we voice the needs of people who are facing food stress.
We also continued our important role in meeting with local, State and Federal Government and their agencies to highlight the impact that we make and how we can work better together. This last year has seen us undertake a role in emergency relief to assist Western Australians needing masks and food.
Thank you to our Board, committees, leadership team, staff and volunteers, whose unwavering commitment and ability to adapt ensures we continue to respond to the changing environment and our community with respect, compassion and integrity.
Ensuring the safety and wellbeing of staff and volunteers is a high priority. We are committed to our compliance to the WHS Act 2020 holding consultations and training held to our Board, staff and volunteers. We are focused on a safety-first culture.
Looking ahead, there is much to do as we continue to improve the service we offer to support people facing financial and other challenges, that see them unable to be self-sustainable. The better we can be, the less likely any Western Australians will fall into poverty.
Kate O’Hara
Foodbank Western Australia CEO
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Redistributing waste to feed Western Australians
We saved over 3.6 million kilos from landfill and gave it to people going without.
Read how we work with suppliers to donate excess stock

We continued to expand our supplier base of farmers, fresh producers, retailers, manufacturers and across the entire food supply chain, to ensure surplus or imperfect food and groceries are saved from landfill and instead donated. Goods donated to us are distributed to people in need of food relief.
Food donations from Mt Barker make a difference
Mt Barker Chicken donates a range of products to help provide a vital source of protein to vulnerable Western Australians. Mt Barker has donated a total of 47,466kg of chicken. This translates to approximately two to five pallets of products a month. Incredibly, approximately 50% of our total chicken supply is provided in this way.
Our Community Kitchen Chef Grant uses the chicken in a wide and wonderful variety of popular and nutritious meals. These include pizzas, BBQ chicken and bacon, chicken curry, chicken tikka curry, Thai chicken curry or spaghetti carbonara.
Read more about how Mt Barker Chickens are supporting us

New partnership with Richgro gives food waste another life
In 2022 we partnered with Richgro who share our commitment to sustainability and vision to work towards a zero-carbon footprint.
Richgro takes our unusable or not fit-for-consumption fruit, vegetables and dairy products and turns them into valuable fertilisers. We delivered 20,328kg of food waste to Richgro, saving it from landfill. This initiative is still in its early stages but we look to grow the partnership and see bigger environmental impacts ahead.
Find out more about our partnership with Richgro
A special thanks to our major food donors
We are grateful to our local and national food donors who remain committed to reducing hunger and food waste by donating their surplus stock to us.
- Aldi
- Bega
- Beta Spuds
- Coles
- Castro Farms
- Dardanup Butchering Company
- Galati Bros
- A & D Guadagnino A&D
- Goodman Fielder
- Lactalis Australia
- Hilton Foods
- Hello Fresh
- HS Fresh Food
- Ivan Koeich
- Ingham’s
- Kimberley Clarke
- Linley Valley Pork
- Lite and Easy
- Martella AJ & CA
- Mt Barker Chicken
- Metcash
- Metcash
- Nik Trandos
- Patane Produce
- Perth Markets
- Soul Fresh
- Tip Top
- West Pork
- Winc
- Woolworths
- Fruit Growers in the Southern Regions
- Our national donors
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Feeding Western Australians
Helping get food to those who need it is at the core of what we do.
Read how even a rail freight disruption wouldn’t derail our efforts to feed WA

Helping get food to those who need it is at the core of what we do. This year we have seen significant growth in demand for our services.
As the pandemic continued to impact our State, we partnered with Anglicare WA to provide a home delivery service for people isolating with COVID-19 and unable to afford food and groceries.
Rail freight disruption won’t derail our efforts to feed WA
When severe flood damage saw the Trans-Australian Railway line closed for nearly a month, it reduced our national deliveries from 40 pallets a week to zero. With 300km of rail line needing repair and a mammoth backlog of goods ahead of us in the queue, the situation wasn’t going to change any time soon.
Days dragged into weeks and empty shelves became a familiar site in major supermarkets around the state. Meanwhile our customers noticed very little difference.
With over 6,000 square metres of warehouse space, we have room for plenty of stock. The pandemic changed the way we manage inventory. We now hold 3 months’ supply for the shop, plus another 3 months’ supply of long-life pantry essentials for hampers. We also have a rotating stockpile of 400 emergency hampers so we can be ready to step up in times of emergency.
Read more about our efforts to ensure we always have food for people in need.

Reaching regional communities
Our branches in Peel, Bunbury, Albany, Kalgoorlie and Geraldton ensure we can provide food assistance to charity partners, schools and individuals in those communities and surrounding regions.
Across all branches we surpassed our estimated demand for assistance and number of times people sought assistance. Regionally the pandemic had a significant impact on our volunteer numbers. This was particularly challenging as we only have a few staff in each branch. By the end of the financial year, we were able to welcome back volunteers and recruit new ones to fill the gap.
Our major branch partners provide essential support in infrastructure, operational costs to increase meals provided and expand our regional Mobile Foodbank services. We are incredibly thankful to our regional branch partners: Alcoa (Peel), South32 (Bunbury), Northern Star Resources (Kalgoorlie), Illuka Resources (Geraldton) and Arc Infrastructure and CBH for their support in the Wheatbelt region.
Mobile Foodbank
For those who need food assistance, transport to one of our branches can be difficult and unaffordable. Our Mobile Foodbank service aims to eliminate this barrier. In June 2022 we were visiting 27 locations throughout the metropolitan area. This year we launched the service regionally with 13 locations. We have provided 524,494 meals through our Mobile Foodbank.
The Stan Perron Charitable Foundation also assisted us with providing meals to families in need and a driver for our Mobile Foodbank service.

Community Kitchen
Foodbank WA’s Community Kitchen prepares affordable, nutritious and ready-to-eat fresh and frozen meals. Chevron generously donated three heat sealers so we can produce meals that remain fresh for up to two weeks and don’t require microwaves/ovens to heat. These meals are therefore suitable for people who don’t have regular access to a kitchen. They also help us reduce waste of our fresh produce and provide more options to the types of delicious meals we can provide.
Feeding hungry tummies with the School Breakfast Program
Our School Breakfast Program is fuelling growing bodies and enquiring minds by providing schools with breakfast foods. In 21/22 we supplied 2,802,260 school breakfasts to 20,987 students across 492 schools.
In September 2021 we celebrated 21 years of the School Breakfast Program with a breakfast event at Foodbank WA’s Centre for Hunger Relief. Guests enjoyed a School Breakfast Program inspired spread and speeches by Pauline Johnson, principal at Dawson Park Primary School (a 21-year member school) and Neil Darby from the Department of Education.
The annual Volunteer Awards encourage schools to acknowledge individuals/groups that run or support their breakfast clubs. In 2022, 147 school staff, students, parents, community members and organisations from 103 schools were nominated.
We are thankful for the support of the Departments of Education and Primary Industries and Regional Development as well as Telethon and BHP.
“Our volunteers provide many young people with a positive start to each day through their dedicated work to provide not only breakfast, but pastoral care and positive engagement. Their shared enthusiasm to have a laugh, talk with, and be there for our students each day is what makes Brekkie Club an important aspect of our school. They go above and beyond to ensure we have what we need to provide students the best of care, and the support of Student Services.”
Read about how the School Breakfast Program is making a difference in Balgo
Delivering fresh fruit with the Perth Airport School Fruit Van
The Perth Airport School Fruit Van delivers 10 kilo boxes of fresh fruit each week to 75 schools selected from our School Breakfast Program cohort. In 2021/22, participating schools received 25,030 kilos of fruit. Thank you to the local growers who donated the food and to our long-term program supporters Perth Airport and Stan Perron Charitable Foundation.
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Education: a pathway out of poverty
While feeding Western Australians in need addresses the immediate issue, our education programs aim to offer the tools and support to break the poverty cycle.
Find out more about our nutrition education programs

While feeding Western Australians in need addresses the immediate issue, our education programs aim to offer a pathway out of poverty.
Developed and facilitated by university qualified nutritionists and dietitians, these evidenced-based programs empower participants with the knowledge and skills to make healthy food choices for sustained healthy lifestyles. This has a ripple effect into reducing the risk of a number of preventable medical conditions.
We have a range of programs across the lifecycle for school children, youth, parents with children 0-5 years, adults and people with disability.
Associate Professor Christina Pollard joins the “Purple Shirt Ladies” in the Pilbara
When the opportunity came up for Foodbank WA Board member Associate Professor Christina Pollard to travel to remote Pilbara communities with us, she jumped at the chance.
We drove many hours on rough dirt roads to reach remote communities. The visits can also be a bumpy ride emotionally, as we witness both beauty and struggle side by side.
“Because Foodbank WA has been visiting these communities for 11 years, we have built strong relationships within the communities. The children remember the team and what they have learned in previous years. Although we only visit these remote communities once a year, they remember the team. So it’s nice to see how excited people are when the ‘purple shirt ladies’ arrive.”
Teaching school students how to make healthy food choices
We believe teaching kids about food from an early age can help them make healthy choices for life. Our Food Sensations® for Schools program offers interactive hands-on nutrition sessions before students learn how to cook age-appropriate easy and healthy meals. 3,295 students participated in 162 sessions in 60 schools across Perth, Wheatbelt, Pilbara, Peel, Great Southern and the Midwest regions.
“In May we travelled 900km to the Midwest to deliver our sessions to 180 students in five days. Regional schools don’t always get the same opportunities as metro schools, so we aim to visit schools in each region every year.
Our sessions are tailored to each year group and students learnt about important nutrition information including the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating, sugar in drinks, homemade versus takeaway, knife safety, and hygiene in the kitchen through interactive and fun lessons.
Students then cooked up a storm, using recipes taken from our Best of Healthy Recipes for All, and Let’s Cook #2 recipe books (get your own copies at SuperheroFoodsHQ). The students loved all the delicious and healthy dishes they made.”
Thank you to the Departments of Education and Primary Industries and Regional Development for their ongoing support of the program, and to the Department of Health for their support in previous years.

Using Superhero Foods® resources to inspire students
They may look like Everyday Foods but they are Superhero Foods in disguise.
Superhero Foods promotes healthy eating and cooking for kids in a fun and engaging way. They capture children’s attention using a suite of nutrition education resources including recipe booklets, posters, story and activity books, healthy eating collectables and a range of culturally appropriate food literacy resources for Aboriginal children.
We were excited to launch a webapp for kids that explores Healthy Town and all your favourite Superhero Foods characters. We are thankful for the University of Western Australia’s volunteer organisation Coders for Causes for their development support.
Our Superhero Foods resources continue to be popular with teachers, health professionals, parents and of course kids. This year we experienced significant demand for our resources with 11% growth in users and 143% more orders. Our new Superhero Foods kid’s aprons also proved very popular.
We partner and collaborate with child focused organisations to help spread the healthy eating messages including the Literature Centre, Awesome Arts, Gymnastics WA and the Stephen Michael Foundation. We provided nutrition expertise together with Superhero Foods resources and messages to complement Healthway’s Go for 2&5® message.
“I recently started home schooling my children and want to teach them about nutrition and health. Now as an adult there is loads of information about this subject, however I needed something that I was able to teach them at their level. I was blown away by the information you have, so thank you for the hard work that you put in to teach children about the importance of nutrition and health.”
Testimonial from a Superhero Foods HQ website user
Thank you to Healthway for the support of the initiative.
Teaching how to plan, prepare and cook healthy meals on a budget
Helping Western Australians learn how to plan, prepare and cook healthy meals on a budget is a passion of ours. Our Food Sensations® for Adults program hosted 356 sessions both in person and online to 924 participants.
Watch how this program inspired Ai Lin’s love of vegetables
Funding for this program ended this year. We are thankful for the support of the Department of Health, Western Australia for the past six years which has seen over 6,800 participants through the program.
Delivering nutrition education in Fremantle
This year we opened The Healthy Eating Hub, a purpose-built training kitchen and community space in the heart of Fremantle. This working space is a home for our nutrition education programs servicing the Fremantle and surrounding community. We are thankful to the support of Hawaiian for the program.

Vital nutrition sessions for parents with young children
The first five years of our children’s lives are vital for developing healthy eating habits. Our Food Sensations® for Parents program helps guide parents to plan, prepare and cook healthy meals for the whole family on a budget.
This year we delivered 46 sessions both in person and online to 87 parents through nine partner organisations in Perth and the Midwest. We also trained 21 health professionals to deliver the program.
“Before I knew, I was trying to put all the healthy stuff on their plates and then I was terrified that drama was going to start at dinner. The program teaches us the different ages and it’s their choice when, what, how all that kind of stuff… It taught us methods where it makes you more confident to be able to communicate with the kids and encourage the kids”
Parent participant with 6 children.
This program makes a significant difference in changing behaviours of attending families. 47.8% of parents reported an increase in vegetable intake for themselves and 46.4% for their children. 71% of parents improved in 12 food literacy behaviours and confidence and 77% improved in six of 10 positive parenting feeding practices.
Funding for this program ended this year. We are thankful for the support of Healthway for the past three and a half years.
We are grateful to Telethon for announcing their support of maintaining parent education with our Food Sensations® for Children program commencing July 2022.
New program tailored to people with disability
This year we introduced a new program, Healthy Food For All Abilities, for people with disability, especially those transitioning to independent living or supported accommodation.
“I have enjoyed all the recipes we have cooked together. I also like the way they make me feel, I don’t feel lethargic after eating them and the recipes we cook don’t have any of the bad stuff in them – sugar, fat or salt. I now have a better understanding of nutrition and feel able to make better choices to avoid eating too much sugar, fat and salt.”
Since February 2022, we delivered 12 sessions to 36 individuals. We are thankful for the Department of Communities for the support of this program.
Educating Western Australians in the Pilbara
Through our commitment in the Pilbara, we supported 14 schools with our School Breakfast Program and delivered our Food Sensations for Schools program to 551 students.
We also delivered our Fuel Your Future program to 214 youth participants, Food Sensations for Parents to 69 participants as well as 10 education training sessions to a range of local stakeholders, including WA Country Health Service. We participated in 10 community events with 243 community members attending.
“I can confidently tell you that both the students and I enjoyed your visit a great deal. Later in the week the students were still relaying stories about how they cooked lunch for the whole school. I believe that the best part of the Food Sensations for Schools session was that the students were fully engaged in the cooking of the dishes. I particularly liked the way that correct handling of knives was demonstrated and then the students were permitted to cut up the vegetables. This made them feel very important and increased their confidence levels which I know will help transfer this skill to their homes.”
This year we created a number of resources to support our programs including posters for parents, kid’s aprons featuring artwork by a local artist at Martumili and recipe cards developed by local Pilbara students.
We are thankful to BHP who have supported this program for over 11 years.
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Advocating for Western Australians experiencing food stress
As the cost of living continues to rise and we are still feeling the impacts of COVID-19, we play an important role by sharing the reality of food insecurity in Western Australia.
Learn how we are leading the way on thought-leadershipAs the cost-of-living continues to rise and we are still feeling the impacts of COVID-19, we play an important role by sharing the reality of food insecurity in Western Australia. Advocating on behalf of people in need, we shared our observations of the frontline on TV, radio and print media equating to the equivalent of over $2.6 million of free media coverage.
We partnered with Business News and 16 charity partners to develop a new content channel focused on the work and impact of our not-for-profit sector to the corporate sector.
In highlighting our brand reputation, Foodbank moved from 11th most trusted charity to fourth most trusted charity with a 91.8 reputation score. We also partnered with Alinta, Lotterywest, Bankwest and Act Belong Commit to feature in their TV commercials and campaigns.
Foodbank Hunger Report 2021
The Foodbank Hunger Report brings together Foodbank’s research and on-the-ground information and observations on food insecurity in Australia.
The 2021 Hunger Report revealed that one in six Australian adults haven’t had enough to eat in the last year. On top of this, 1.2 million children have gone hungry during the same period.
Leading the way on thought-leadership
This year we published two peer-reviewed articles in the Health Promotion Journal of Australia based on experience delivering nutrition education. The articles were Application of a sustainability framework to enhance Australian food literacy programs in remote Western Australian communities and Developing culturally appropriate food literacy resources for Aboriginal children with Foodbank WA’s Superhero Foods®. Since the latter article was published, there has been a 176% increase in Aboriginal Education Resources downloaded from our Superhero Foods HQ website.
Towards nutrition-focussed food banking
The charitable food system provides food assistance to an increasing number of people experiencing food insecurity every day. Improving the nutritional quality of foods provided by food banks everywhere is an important paradigm shift as people frequenting food banks are more vulnerable to diet-related diseases, with overweight and obesity a contributing factor of many of these chronic conditions. Recognising this national and international ethical concern, we embarked on a project to evidence our food availability together with the nutritional adequacy, appropriateness and quality of the food we provide.
Our Patron

The Hon Kim Beazley, AC Governor of Western Australia
The Honourable Kim Beazley, AC 33rd Governor of Western Australia has had a long-standing association with Foodbank WA, which goes back to 2001, and officially becoming our Patron in 2018.
We thank the outgoing Governor for his support especially during the COVID-19 pandemic when we faced empty shelves while the demand for food relief significantly increased.
The far-reaching impact of the Governors’ support over the years has enabled us to continue to provide meals to those most in need in our communities and through various crises.
Our Ambassadors

Duc Pham, Founder of Perth Business Network
Duc Pham is the Director and Founder of Perth Business Network and has been a proud ambassador for three years. He is very committed and passionate about the work we do.
“The rising cost of living, particularly food and fuel, is significantly impacting the ability of struggling families to put food on the table. I am so pleased to be able to highlight the plight of struggling families, and in the process give them hope for a brighter future. In a wealthy state like WA, there is no need for anyone to go hungry.”

Alice Murray, TV Presenter
Years ago as a junior reporter, Alice was sent to cover a ‘good news story’ – a fun piece on the School Breakfast Program. She was shocked by the need for a program like this in Western Australia. The experience really stayed with her.
“I have been an ambassador for Foodbank WA for 3 years now and still often find myself telling friends, family and strangers that so many (now 21,000) kids need feeding every week here (in WA), and breakfast is so important, they need to concentrate at school!
There was the initial fascination that really drew me to get involved but as I got to know the charity, I grew even more impressed. The real charitable value is what has always stood out for me. Foodbank WA make the most of everything they have. For donors, one dollar equals two meals, it’s rare to find such value for money in a charity and this is a credit to how well Foodbank WA is structured.
What’s also noteworthy is the dedication of the volunteers and staff, many don’t have or want any credit or even a label, they just want to help, and they do what it takes. It’s always a lovely surprise to see Foodbank WA’s CEO be very ‘hands on’. I’ve never seen Kate behind a desk, she’s always collecting drive-thru donations, helping in the warehouse, giving out fruit or rolling healthy treats at a volunteer food stall.”

Andrew Gaff, West Coast Eagles
Together with the West Coast Eagles (Foodbank WA supporters for 10 years), Andrew admires Foodbank WA for continuing to provide food relief and support to those who need it most in our communities.
“This is my second year as a Foodbank WA ambassador and I am proud to stand behind an organisation whose commitment to helping Western Australians who are doing it tough and gives people a chance to get back on their feet in challenging times, is second-to-none.
It has been an uncertain few years, and I know that at Foodbank WA there are families seeking help that have never needed food assistance before. The rising fuel and grocery costs are pushing more Western Australians into financial hardship.”
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United in our passion
Our corporate partners, volunteers and staff play a central role in powering out purpose.
The amazing people behind Foodbank WA

Shirley’s story
Shirley is the first person to reach our 25 years of service milestone. When Shirley first set foot at our very first warehouse in Belmont, little did she know she would spend the next 25 years volunteering with us.
Shirley has seen many changes over years, from our humble beginnings which included just 360sqm of workshop and office space combined, to our next location in Welshpool, right through to our 6,000sqm facility at Perth Airport.
“It makes me happy to be able to give back to an organisation which gives people a chance to get back on their feet in tough times. There is a lot of joy in being even a small part of helping others.
I like to help people in need. Life in general can be very tough for a lot of people, especially now everything’s getting so expensive.”

Volunteers play a central role in powering our purpose. Each and every day, our volunteers give their precious time and energy to help us help those who are doing it tough, always with big smiles on their faces.
More than 200 regular and 1,600 corporate volunteers assisted us this financial year. As struggle and uncertainly surrounded us this year, especially when the full impact of COVID was felt in WA, our volunteers and staff pulled together to ensure we could provide food relief and support to those who needed it most.
National Volunteer Week held in May was a wonderful opportunity for us to celebrate and recognise the vital work of our amazing volunteers and to say thank you. Our thanks to Herbert Smith Freehills and Dome Cafes for their support of the celebrations.
This year we implemented a volunteer management system, Better Impact, to improve our communication and inductions for new volunteers as well as better track the contribution and time our volunteers give.
Thank you to our dedicated volunteers who achieved service milestones this year:
10 year: Dave Catto, Dawn Jones
25 year: Shirley Walker
Thank you. We couldn’t do what we do without you.
Our People
Foodbank WA is a diverse and professional organisation employing 80 staff across Western Australia.

Peter Mansell, D. John Carlson, Ian Rakich, Paul Branston, Dr Christina Pollard (L-R). Not pictured Vanessa Torres, Clint Johnson, Patsy Mitchell
Thank you to our Board of Directors for their strategic guidance and governance throughout the year.

Rene Wang, Kate O’Hara, Moira Aynsley, David Warren, Steve Martin (back), Fran Ferreira, Dr Roslyn Giglia, Ian de Nazareth (front)
Thank you to our leadership team for their passion, commitment and dedication to meeting our purpose.
We would especially like to acknowledge the long-serving staff who reached service milestones this year:
10 year: Rene Wang, Jennifer Burnett
20 year: Keith Ryniker
Thank you. We couldn’t do what we do without you.
Work health, safety and environment
Ensuring the safety and wellbeing of staff and volunteers is a high priority. We are committed to our compliance to the WHS Act 2020 holding consultations and training held to our Board, staff and volunteers. In a bold move to ensure the safety of every member of staff and volunteers working in our warehouses, Mobile Foodbanks and shop floors, we provided steel-cap boots at no cost. We also implemented monthly safety meetings with branch managers and safety champions to discuss safety issues. All team meetings commence with a safety share moment.
Professional Development
We are committed to the continual professional development of our staff, ensuring we have the right skills, expertise and engagement to meet our purpose. We are thankful for a partnership with the Australian Institute of Management WA which supports the professional development of our staff.
In addition, we also hosted additional training for staff including Aboriginal cultural awareness, See Me, See You cultural diversity, fire safety and Work Health and Safety Act and awareness training.
Uniting the community to support Western Australians in need
We are incredibly thankful for the Western Australian community and corporate partners who generously give their support. A special mention must go out to our Giving Pantry regular donors whose monthly contributions make a real difference to the Western Australian community.
Our Sound of Hunger campaign created an interactive audio-visual experience to allow people to experience firsthand what hunger sounds like. While this sound ended after a minute, for those living with hunger, it only ends with our help. Listen to the sound at soundofhunger.com.au.
Inspiring our community
Million Meal Challenge
Our relationship with West Coast Eagles went to another level in 2021, announcing the first year of the Million Meal Challenge. For every one dollar donated by footy supporters, Foodbank WA is able to provide two meals. We set our sights on the next few years to raise enough for one million meals. The first year kicked off with a bang, raising over 70,000 meals.

Meal Makers
26 Perth business executives spent a morning with five executive chefs to learn a signature dish and then produced meals in our Community Kitchen. They did this all while raising over 310,000 meals for Western Australians in need. Thank you!
Empty Bowls
A fusion of art, food and fun generates urgent food relief for thousands of Western Australians where this year we raised just over 46,000 meals. Thank you to the event host White Peacock Studios in Glen Forrest.
“We had some very talented pottery artists working on donations. Every pot they create is a unique piece of artwork. Last year many people loved them so much they bought a whole set.”
Give a Feed
In its tenth year, Give A Feed broke their record for the amount of hampers provided in a year with a whopping 3,975 hampers. This brings their total tally to more than 26,000 Christmas hampers distributed since 2011.
Peel Thunder Football Club connecting a region
Peel Thunder Football Club dedicated their Round 9 match to Foodbank Peel to raise financial and food donations to help families struggling in the region. With great action on field and plenty of fun for the kids and whole family, the game attracted an above-average crowd of almost 3,000. The Club went above and beyond to celebrate our Peel volunteers with an invitation to their President’s Luncheon. The event raised more than 5,000 meals for people doing it tough in Mandurah.
Bankwest gives back
We are incredibly thankful for the 313 Bankwest staff who gave 1,878 hours of their time and energy to volunteer with us this year. Their staff also took on the Mega Meal Challenge and prepared an impressive 7,804 meals.
ATCO fuel sponsorship highlighting broad support for food relief and rescue
ATCO Australia generously supported fuel expenses for our two vehicles in Bunbury as part of the ATCO Communities Fund. The South West region is rich with fresh fruit and vegetable produce, with many local growers generously donating fresh food that not only feeds Foodbank Bunbury, but our whole network. This support allowed us to continue our food rescue and food donation collection of 317,000 kilos and contributed to reducing food wastage within the region.
Support for our most basic operational costs provides incredible value in our ability to rescue essential food products that support the most vulnerable communities in each region. According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation, around 14% of food produced globally is lost between harvest and retail.
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Thank you to our corporate partners
Our corporate partners are vital in helping Foodbank WA get food to people who need it.
View our corporate partnersSociety Shapers

Community Builders

Life Changers

Dignity Partners

Pro Bono and Special Branch Partners

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